Sunday, August 1, 2010

The last few weekends have been pretty crazy for us.  We have had a few adult activities planned.  So thanks to both grandma's Paisley was well taken care of.

Paisley is in Tuscola at my mom's dressed for a county fair pageant.  She loved going there.  I am not sure if she liked the pageant, corn dog, or the rides the best though :)  Oh and I also am not sure why she is standing on the table.  No rules at Grandma's I guess!

These are all pictures of Paisley at Grandma and Grandpa Swingers.

Grandma prefers little ones in their pajamas.  I was not surprised to get this picture at 10am and Paisley still be in her PJ's.  She was playing school with her crayons and paper.  She is starting young :)

Someone conned Grandma into icecream...yum!

And this is the trap Grandma puts her in when she needs to get something done in the kitchen.  Paisley goes constantly so sometimes you need restraint :)

Paisley's new favorite hobby...chasing the geese away!

Grandma has not had much experience with hair since she had 3 boys but this is her attempt with pigtails.  Too cute! 

We got home today, and daddy missed his baby girl.  They cuddled this way for about an hour and a half while I unpacked.

After nap, we had to go check out all of her toys outside.  She wanted the sprinkler, and I was too lazy to go in and get a swimsuit so I let her run around in a diaper.  hahaha!  She loved jumping over the sprinkler and drinking the water like the dogs were doing!  And yes that is her tongue out :)

Tonight was so nice weather wise so we decided to eat dinner outside.  While Adam and I were putting the finishing touches on dinner, we caught Paisley outside having a lengthy conversation with the dogs.  She would talk to them, then pet them, and kiss their noses.  We could not help taking a picture of Paisley and one of her two best friends.

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